From Reputation Management to automating everyday tasks
weekly notes Week 10

Last week was one of those times when I had to ask myself, where did the time go? It was mostly work for the #Lisbon Collective and classes. We’re …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
10 March, 2024
AI, Hope, and the Content Robber Barons
weekly notes Week 09

Multiple Sclerosis research by Gregory AI My last post is a very personal view of what Gregory-MS means to me. I wrote it after publishing the activities …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
2 March, 2024
back to school
weekly notes Week 08

New tips for newcomers There was a surge of new sign-ups this week, so here’s a recap of what to expect. These emails are a review of last week and …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
23 February, 2024
Social Fracture, Digital Ownership, and Note Making
weekly notes Week 7

This week’s big thing was OpenAI announcing Sora, and Google’s Gemini. Philippe Borremans’ review of Sora and Gemini is quite complete …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
18 February, 2024
Using AI for Content Strategy
weekly notes Week 6

Write once, Publish many The last post about AI adoption turned out better than I expected. One, because it reached more people than I estimated. Two, …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
11 February, 2024
Adoption of AI and Crypto Games
weekly notes Week 05

I am doing something different for this edition. It’s the first time that it goes out without using Substack, using a tool built with ChatGPT and …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
3 February, 2024
Content Strategy, Market Protection, and Reputation
weekly notes Week 4

Work is picking up speed and that shows in the review for week 4. I did find time to work on implementing an idea that Rui Carmo has on his blog, the Tao …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
29 January, 2024
Having fun with code, Google's AI trouble, and Content Curation
weekly notes Week 03

Coding fun with ChatGPT It’s not really coding, it’s more like being able to provide good instructions and description of the expected output. …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
20 January, 2024
Prototypes and Strategy
weekly notes Week 02

Prototype with ChatGPT Do you remember a website called It was sort of a mix of microblog and bookmark manager. You could keep track of the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
14 January, 2024
Future You and the Rise of the Fediverse
weekly notes Week 01

The first week of 2024 is past and we’re all focused on our goals, and on improving our well-being in some way. So I am going to give you an idea …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
4 January, 2024