Multiple Sclerosis research by Gregory AI

My last post is a very personal view of what Gregory-MS means to me. I wrote it after publishing the activities report for 2023.

What is the Impact of Hope?

No, Gregory hasn’t generated any impact because he’s made of hope. That’s what is across every page of the activities report. And we’re still hoping, we are still pushing forward. And considering the friends we are making along the way, I believe we’re on the right path.

Some highlights of the report:

  1. We partnered with Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center to improve our algorithm.
  2. We built a real-time observatory of published research.
  3. We found a way to integrate the WHO database of clinical trials into our database.

This year we are going to focus more on clinical trials trying to bring more value to patients and the medical research community.

Content is the new oil and the robber barons are back

The biggest social media companies of the Western world have announced they will let their content be used to train #AI #Large Language Models.

Regarding Wordpress:

The company replied with a published statement, claiming, “We will share only public content that’s hosted on and Tumblr from sites that haven’t opted out.” The statement notes that legal regulations don’t currently require AI companies’ web crawlers to abide by users’ opt-out preferences. Source: Endgadget

Our content is being resold towards an end that could not have been predicted in the terms and conditions (TC). And even if these companies update their terms in time for us to react, who will leave behind years of effort in publishing content to start over?

And worse, these companies are selling a limited resource which is bound to lose quality with many content producers using AI to generate content for them to use. AI will start being trained with AI content, adding more mediocracy to the output we have so far.

That’s why I believe that our role must include more content curation from now on, and we need to train AI’s with the knowledge of the organisation as a way to pass the necessary context that will ensure quality output.

Your AI tools for this week, Compose Royalty-Free Background Music Tailored To Your Content In Minutes., Another chatbot that can be trained with your data., AI as your personal tutor