I am doing something different for this edition. It’s the first time that it goes out without using Substack, using a tool built with ChatGPT and Python. Please let me know if you notice something seems odd.
Last week was mostly work and writing, with part of a paper I am working on published here on the blog.
AI adoption in Public Relations. How it started and how it’s going.
The main thing I take from my research is that we aren’t at a place where anyone can call themselves an expert unless they have been doing it since before the OpenAI launch of ChatGPT.
The second thing is that sharing best practices and practical use tips is the only way to speed up the adoption of AI. We aren’t really at a point where we need to focus on gaining or creating a competitive advantage. We’re at a point where the PR community needs to prove that technology is part of our daily lives. Years ago we lost terrain regarding User Experience Research. Let’s not repeat that mistake.
“A rising tide lifts all boats”.
Crypto Novel
This wasn’t a novel,and it wasn’t just a story. It was part of a game. Years ago I was going through a bad time and writing a bizarre story was my way to cope.
To make it interesting, I found a way to lock some of the chapters with a cryptographic cipher.
The game still works and it’s still free for everyone at https://brunoamaral.eu/story/crypto/.
AI Tools
https://mitenmit.github.io/gpt/, this is a great way to make sure you, and your team, use the same prompt structure for ChatGPT.
https://lex.page/, promises to be a modern word processor that enables a radically new way to write. Never type alone again, they say. I am going to try to use it for a new project we have at the Lisbon Collective.
https://www.pragma.ai/ is what people in Internal Communications have been waiting for. They want to change the way you can access the company’s knowledge from different platforms. The biggest obstacle might be to set it up across all tools.