Personal Do something fun

There is a strange joy of doing things without caring, with little to no pressure on making it pixel perfect and even better, of stepping out of your …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
3 November, 2016
Amber Case
uxlx UXLx16 Calm Tech

@caseorganic We are all cyborgs, we use objects and technology to go outside our natural environment or be able to do new things. We are waking up next to …

1 November, 2016
Chriss Noessel at UXLx
uxlx UXLx16 Semantic Noodling

UXLx UXLx brings professionals from all over the world to Lisbon for 3 whole days of trainning and networking. Next edition is taking place on the 23rd …

22 October, 2016
Notes and slides from a presentation by Denise Jacobs at UXLX 2016
uxlx UXLx16 Co-Create Creating Better Together

UXLx This is possibly the biggest conference for User Experience professionals of any field. Next edition is on the 23 and 26th of May 2017. Programme and …

22 October, 2016
Technology and Storytelling

Smart phones and tablets changed the way we read and interact online, yet I don’t feel that we as UX, Designers and Information Architects are using …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
5 October, 2016
coffee table The Photos

The coffee clock idea materialized itself slowly, it started with me taking a photo of a cup pointing to the current time. I sent it to a friend as a way …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
26 September, 2016
Coffee O'Clock
coffee table The Concept

At first I was just posting photos on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #coffeeclock. That was enough fun for me in the time being. “Maybe …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
26 September, 2016
coffee table The table

The whole source code I wrote for the site is available on Pinterest isn't valuable for me as a way to organize links and ideas. Yet, I tip my …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
26 September, 2016
Geek Why I am trying to publish on Medium

I have been pushing myself to write more and there are two things keeping me from the goal of 1 good article a week. One is that I want to share content …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
3 November, 2015
Geek I confess, I am a workaholic

But how could I not be? This first half of the year has been filled with some great projects, both at ClubJudge and in other quick freelancing projects. …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
9 June, 2015