Business Guitarras ao Alto

Working as a freelancer means that you sometimes get to see something grow from small to huge. Yesterday, I had the feeling I was watching that process …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
18 June, 2017
Brenda Laurel
uxlx UXLx17 This is the way the world ends

Pompei, when Vesuvius erupted. People had time to flee, not everyone did for various reasons. It was the boiling frog effect. Rapa Nui, one of the most …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Erik Dahl
uxlx UXLx17 Designing Our Future

part 1 - framing Cargo Cult UX/Design Tribe was acting out rituals to attract planes carrying goods and food. We take 1000 breaths a day and don’t …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Jeff Patton
uxlx UXLx17 It's not failure you should be afraid of

Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos, but don't worry, you can download it and watch it with your video player! Sorry, your browser doesn't …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Richard Banfield
uxlx UXLx17 Sex, Drugs and Infinite Scroll

Biology is an exquisite designer The problem we are asked to design for a future we don’t know how it will be. It’s difficult to look far ahead …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Sarah Doody
uxlx UXLx17 Anticipatory design and invisible UI

If you don’t anticipate people’s need, you’re not doing UX. All the attempts for anticipating the user’s needs, is actually causing …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Katy Mogal & Michael Winnick
uxlx UXLx17 Design for Bad

We design services and products for a happy outcome but bad news is part of day to day. we don’t get the perfect match on dating apps we don’t …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Jim Kalbach
uxlx UXLx17 Practical jobs to be done What is disruption for business examples of disruption: Wikipedia Amazon Mp3 … GoToMeeting launched HD video calls, it justified …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Tom Greever
uxlx UXLx17 Articulating Design Decisions

What makes a design GOOD? Simplicity, a good use of space, when you can’t remove anything else? We are terrible at talking about design. It’s …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017
Dan Klyn
uxlx UXLx17 An opposite truth

There is ambiguity ineherent to architecture. What does good mean? There is no right way. LATCH is our first five iterations to organize things. Niels Bohr …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 May, 2017