The train ride
Creativity crypto Chapter 3

This is my new experiment in story telling. If you are confused by the text below, please read the context of this series and how to play the game. To …

19 October, 2017
Run for your life!
Creativity crypto Chapter 2

This is my new experiment in story telling. If you are confused by the text below, please read the context of this series and how to play the game. Your …

14 October, 2017
Wake up
Creativity crypto Chapter 1

"Fucking headache, what did I do last night? Where am I?" This was a dark and dirty room and even his muscles were aching, and the slim strokes of light in …

14 October, 2017
2017 08 24
Páginas Tantas Agora faltam as páginas de hoje

“Agora faltam as páginas de hoje” Caraças para este gajo pah! E o pior é que ele tem razão. Faltam as 500 palavras de hoje e também faltava a …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
24 August, 2017
22 08 2017
Às Páginas Tantas Dia a dia no bairro

All neighborhoods have their own whimsical and treasured characters. Those who wake up almost at the same time and meet each other in cafes, amid cheerful …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
22 August, 2017
An exercise in creativity
Creativity So Many Pages

“Às Páginas Tantas” is the name of a new series of posts I am going to try. To summarize, every day I will try to write a full page of whatever …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
13 August, 2017
The Internet of Things, Makers and Marketing
Geek If You Build It We Will Hack It

First, an important note. The cinemagraph you see in this page comes from Ross at Second Crop Creative. He has some amazing work in his portfolio that you …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 July, 2017
the difference between an amateur and a pro, and why freelancers shouldn't race to the bottom
Business What I learned from Benjamim

Photo copyright, Benjamim These things may sound different and unrelated, yet they fired some of the same synapses in my brain. First, a post in Bored …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
6 July, 2017
A project by One Over Zero Labs
Geek Sparrowatch, Technology to save the forest

This story starts last year, when a few friends and me participated in the Lisbon Maker Faire. It happened on a whim, we had about 4 weeks to come up with …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
2 July, 2017
uxlx UXLx17 UXLx17, a trip to the future

Foreword What you are about to read is the translation of a blog post I wrote for ActiveMedia. They wanted me to share my perspective on UX Lx and what it …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 June, 2017