Personal A New Direction

This is, I hope, the post you have been waiting for. This blog well no longer be updated and instead will serve as a repository of information, to reflect …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
4 November, 2009
Communication Geek A clean slate

Some of you may remember a different blog, Relações Públicas. Written in Portuguese, It is still the blog that ranks second for google searches on the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
24 September, 2009
What is to come?

I have now an idea on what direction this blog needs to follow. Taking into account that its content will have to be maintained, that several courses still …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
27 July, 2009
Looking back to see what’s ahead

If you follow this blog or simply look at the archives, you will notice posting speed is down. And no, it is not simply because of my thesis or any other …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
17 July, 2009
Communication Bledcom, Last day and final thoughts

Following the bar set high by the first day of the conference, the second and last part of the event lived up to expectations. New Zealand contributed with …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
6 July, 2009
public-relations Bledcom, First Day

Made it to Bled after a trip that proved to be longer than expected. And so far I most say that the choice of subject for the conference was perfect — …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
3 July, 2009
public-relations Bledcom 2009

In a few hours I will be travelling to Venice, so I can then reach Bled in Slovenia by train. The occasion, Bledcom 2009 where I am presenting a paper with …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
1 July, 2009
Looking for your Feedback

It’s a tradition around here, every once in a while I ask for feedback. What do you like about the blog? What keeps you coming back? What do you …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
2 May, 2009
public-relations Public Relations and social media in Portugal

Marco's Rules; number 1. If you are afraid of writing a post, it probably means it is worth writing it. A first note, I do not agree with the term “social …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
11 April, 2009
public-relations Public Relations in Cape Verde

Coming to Cape Verde was not an easy decision. And now that you have an idea on the challenges I have faced while living in cape Verde these last few …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
21 January, 2009