fighting the hype Fighting the Hype

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing a small series of articles, most of which are the translation to english of previous writings. The point of …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
30 September, 2010
Communication The Current State of PR in Portugal

Last week I wrote a rant on how Public Relations is seen in Portugal. To sum everything up, We are seen as party-goers, guest relations or hosts at night …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 September, 2010
Geek Net Neutrality is an important resource for e-Government

Right now we live in a world where Net Neutrality is a given. This means that you can open any website or webservice just as fast as anyone else on the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
25 August, 2010
Geek The 3 Areas of Search Engine Optimization

When managing a website, one of the goals is to be listed as high as possible on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) ). Working towards this goal is what is …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
4 July, 2010
Communication Stakeholder Mapping at the Spring Barcamp in Porto

Attending a barcamp means that you should do your best to share an idea, projects you are working on, or knowledge that may be useful to others. That alone …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
14 June, 2010
Communication The future of communication platforms

My last post was about how I see the web, as being made of platforms, channels/instruments, contexts and content. A few days after I pressed publish, Steve …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
8 May, 2010
Communication Business What the web is made of (and what that means for PR Strategy)

If we would ask David Phillips or Philip Young what the web is made of, they would tell us about Platforms, Channels and Context. When we talk about the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
26 April, 2010
Communication Euprera Spring Symposium and the Values School of Thought

Saying it was a pleasure to be in Gent for the Euprera Spring Symposium 2010 is nothing short than an understatement as it is the kind of event that can …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
7 March, 2010
Communication Grunig on the Digitalisation of Public Relations

Philip Young’s blog, Mediations, is one that I follow for quite some time now. Yesterday, it mentioned an article on PRism by Jim Grunig titled …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
29 December, 2009
Online Publics, Values and Values Systems

Online Public Relations, Publics and Values Systems; This was the title of the dissertation that I presented this last friday. It was a work that had the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
14 December, 2009