Not everything fits neatly into categories and stories, into little boxes in our mind. That’s what the blog section is for.
<img class=“alignright size-full wp-image-587” title=“5574548309_15987bb941” src=5574548309_15987bb941.jpeg" …
2010 was the year I had the chance to become part of the Euroblog Study together with Philip Young and Derek Hodge. Simply put, it is an effort to …
Last week Lisbon and specifically the School of Communication and Media Studies, was the stage for the EUPRERA/Euroblog Spring Symposium. I had the …
Carla, a very good friend, was kind enough to point me towards the new Facebook Data article “What’s on your mind“. The study and its findings come …
I have been meaning to write this post for a while now. But as all landmarks it needed undivided attention. A week as passed since I had the great pleasure …
Richard Bailey posted a very pertinent question on PR Studies, how can we prove the value of PR? The conversation drifted a bit towards what is in fact PR, …
As some of you are aware, part of this blog is dedicated to the issue of Public Relations and Values Systems. If you search for it, or look at the Values …
“In less than five years, a movement has taken hold that is having a profound effect on public relations. Called Web 2.0 by Tim O’Reilly, of …
The last few posts make up an introduction to online communication. In very broad strokes they attempt to give you an idea on how I think about the …