Remember the post where I showed this image?
It sparked a few interesting comments.
I have wondered about it since then, going back to stuff I wrote years ago. The story of a love affair between Public Relations and Communication (in Portuguese), how they work together and yet can’t be together. It’s more of a short love story than anything else, really. (And between us, that story has a Universe of Value to me.)
Going back to the sketch.
Public Relations needs to move forward and Marketing has without a doubt changed as well. Today I am part of a Digital Marketing agency and the truth is that I have never done so much PR work. From social media policies to crisis management to a whole world of Communication and Relationship Management.
This is what I do. It is Communication, Relationship Management and much more. Right now I feel that PR and Marketing are categories of tactics and companies benefit when they work together.
And my roots come from Public Relations. A discipline where understanding and building bridges between publics is key to success. That being a fact, it makes sense for PR professionals to focus on understanding the divide between PR and Marketing, while at the same time finding common ground and helping organizations communicate better with internal and external stakeholders. After all that is what we do, right?