people who stand to gain something from you have motive to deceive you
I <3 Deception
Deception can be found in a number of places of every day life.
- traffic lights with pedestrian buttons
- London tube map
- perception of speed —
Good Vs Evil
Dark patterns in UI
Why people use dark patterns?
- Pressure for results
rather than deceiving users, enable them to do what you'd like them to do.
By focusing on simplicity of the target behavior, you increase ability.
— BJ Fogg
The audience must never be made to work.
— darwin ortiz
“The audience must never be made to work” #uxlx
— Paulo Gonçalves (@paulomcg_) June 4, 2015
Clarifying Techniques
use fewer props
— minimalist UI
keep the ui consistent accross the site / app
Visually clarify the props
best example, tutorials. keep them with as little slides as possible.
Visually clarify the layout
— keep things nice and clear
Make the hidden visible
— put the information / content in front the user without barriers.
Eliminate time lags
— design for performance
Eliminate interruptions
procedural directness
Delight vs frustration
Tweets from others
To visit: #UXLX
— aldasilva (@aDreamersWaltz) June 4, 2015
More to visit: #UXLX
— aldasilva (@aDreamersWaltz) June 4, 2015