As some of you are aware, part of this blog is dedicated to the issue of Public Relations and Values Systems. If you search for it, or look at the Values Systems category, you will find a few posts about the theme.
Simply put, my dissertation puts into question what are publics and how we can identify publics online. This theoric basis is made complete with a case study using the website for the British Olympic Association. There is an executive summary available as well, and you can find the presentation on slideshare.
With a bit of extra work I believe that my research could be made into part of an Online Communication Course.
Recently I have been giving some serious thought in making the whole dissertation available. The problem is “How”. For personal and professional reasons I don’t feel I can afford to simply share the file on the blog for all to read and use.
But I don’t have a publisher interested on my work and I have never really looked into self-publishing options.
The reason for this post is to know two things:
- If you are a PR professional / academic, looking at the executive summary of the book would you buy it? And if so, is it something that you might recommend to others?
- If you have any experience with self-publishing services, would you mind sharing it so I know where to begin?