Conceptual and cultural fluency

It’s not about us being better practitioners. It’s a 180º Pivot to understand the business.

I don’t understand them well enough to communicate the value of the work. We can use the same skills we already use to understand the business-people’s needs better.

Better tools to work with business

The priority grid

What keeps managers up at night?

  • Money
  • Hiring and developing people
  • Setting and Tracking goals
  • Delivering value to customer, shareholders and employees
  • Reputation
  • Managing Risk

The Pyramid

Lead, Manage, Execute: Understanding levels of abstraction and zoom levels in an Organisation

Scale and impact of the decisions is different in each level. Bigger on the top, and the more important the decision, the less the person making it knows about it.

That is because different levels of the organisation use a different language.

People, Projects and Money

Customers < Segments < Markets

Employee < Role < Team < Division


The hypothesis funnel

When we have the opportunity to connect with business, we need a way to translate that connection.

Problem or opportunity framing

Current solutions

Business Sources

Customer Experience Hypothesis


Empathic Advocacy

Hypothesis Driven design improves our credibility

avatar Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral

I am a Digital Strategist, divided between tech and creativity, working for the Lisbon Collective and teaching Public Relations at the …