photo-storytelling Photo Challenge 3

Welcome to 2018 everyone! The photo challenges continue, you have until January 17th to write a comment with your story. Can’t wait to see what you …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
1 January, 2018
Simple Things Geek iXpenseIt If you need to track expenses and make a budget for this year, this app is for you. …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
1 January, 2018
Geek Podcasts

unsplash-logoClem Onojeghuo Lately I have found that Podcasts are not just a nice way to learn, a lot of my friends have been using them for quite …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
30 December, 2017
Personal New Year 2018

unsplash-logoNordWood Themes Long story short, I have already began my new year resolutions last month. Been going to the gym almost everyday Have begun …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
30 December, 2017
Business Hey Seur

Hey Seur, I really think you should listen to your stakeholders. Me and many others made purchases to Amazon.ES. Mine was made on the 29th of November. It …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
28 December, 2017
Creativity crypto Chapter 6

"This sounded like a good idea at first." When the adrenaline is high and the events unfold fast, you tend to make harsh decisions. Like follow a man …

24 December, 2017
Story Photo Challenge
photo-storytelling Flip the Coin, Change the World

The year is 1289 and through the land the crusades are coming to an end. Knights and foot soldiers are making their way back home. None have won and both …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
24 December, 2017
Creativity Xmas2017 Lisbon

The story goes like this, back in 2013 I borrowed a GoPro camera and took it to see the christmas lights. This year, I decided to extend that idea. This …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
22 December, 2017
New Enemies
creativity Chapter 5

21 December, 2017
Creativity Poema Em Linha Reta

The other day, in conversation, and a few other months before, this poem came into my mind. At the time it was quite on the spot about what I was feeling …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
14 December, 2017