This is a real question, not just a teaser title.

Think about it for a while, now that RSS is not the only way to pull your favorite content to a single location and that tools like Instapaper and Pocket have become so useful, when do you actually take the time to read and get informed?

I tend to look through my reading list during the weekend or during the week at the end of the day if I have nothing else to do.


Over at linkedin, where there isn’t a clear way to link to updates, João Pedro Pereira added two interesting bits. One is that tools like Pocket and Instapaper take away the guilt of not reading something. The other, is that we can publish longer content “Thursdays and Fridays. Then hope for people to save it for weekend reading”.

On the offline world, Armando Alves added that Nielsen Ratings are now calculated on a weekly and monthly basis and not just daily.

There is no doubt that the way we read or watch content changed, from the TV to the Computer and Mobile screens (tablets included). Companies and brands are not taking this into account when they publish content. Procedures and daily routines are so fixed and crystalized that we see numbers dropping and pay no attention to it.

For a good perspective on this issue of dealing with multiple screens in your communication planning, read Shel Holtz blog post: Communication planning must now account for the use of multiple screens, says Google study