I don’t like dates or big numbers just for the sake of being numbers.

2 Years, 24 months, 104 weeks, 732 days, 17 568 hours or 1,054,080 minutes can be pretty pointless, empty and deprived of all value if you don’t make changes, try to reach higher, learn in the process and keep looking for opportunities to learn.

And now that I am about to celebrate two years at Fullsix Portugal I do feel I came a long way and I do feel stronger.

I have been working with some great clients, and had the opportunity to see and help brands big and small push the boundaries of communication forward.

But most of all, I am fortunate enough to be alongside people with a lot to share.

There’s the guy I annoy every day by calling him Boss.

There is Diana Ramos, the community manager that when her heart is set puts the word “unity” back into Community.

For the creative side, Margarida Guerreiro (Bia), a true Content Strategist with the heart and soul of a fantastic copywriter and such a great sense of humour that she even laughs at my jokes. She does more than set a content plan, she follows it through from start to finish making sure everything is perfect.

And there are amazing surprises. I never would have thought that I would one day find someone almost as crazy as I am. Lo and behold, I met Tânia Rodrigues. In the time she’s been with us, she was without a doubt the one who evolved the most as a professional.

And last but certainly not the least, André Silva. Day in and day out he show’s me that it’s always possible to find something new, and is an example of dedication.

This post is too small for everyone, and over these two years others have come and gone that in their own way left behind more they could ever imagine.

Thank you for everything guys, now let’s see what the future holds for us. Shall we?

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Bruno Amaral

I am a Digital Strategist, divided between tech and creativity, working for the Lisbon Collective and teaching Public Relations at the …