I have been looking more towards what is being said and done in regards to User Experience and I came across a great slide deck by the guys from Adaptive Path. It’s embedded below if you are interested.
After I shared it on twitter, Patrick Quattlebaum reached out with more information on Experience Mapping.
@brunoamaral thanks! We've also published a guide on experience mapping at https://t.co/C18hAbuobk @ChrisRisdon
— PQ (@ptquattlebaum) August 28, 2013
My background is in communication, it’s not around technology even though I play and build so much with it. Still, both of these got me thinking if PR didn’t just miss out on an opportunity to expand it’s scope. Adaptive Path did similar studies around other publics, from citizens, employees and even citizens.
And yet, as far as I know from the companies and organisations I follow and from academic programmes, there is not even a mention of User Experience or Usability in communication departments, and not all of marketing departments are sensitive to the issue either.
I do hope I am wrong saying PR missed another opportunity like it missed getting ownership of Social Media. And as far as universities are concerned, it would not hurt to have one or two modules introducing students to web design and other more technological fields of study rather than just focus on Social and Humanities as was the case when I finished both my graduate and MA.
Photo by Juhan Sonin