Services like delicious, twitter and friendfeed mean nothing if you don’t give them context. Recently I came to the conclusion that my links page was dead. So I replaced it with a delicious link-stream, following dextro‘s advice.
But then it hit me, you can’t post comments to delicious. A click later I went from that thought to the friendfeed api page.
A quick search came up with 2 wordpress plugins, both already installed and none of which singles out the delicious stream from friendfeed. Back to square one.
So I took a look at my server and noticed that one of the plugins already came with the friendfeep api library. About an hour later I had coded a new page template that I called lifestream beta.
With it, I now have a delicious link stream that links to friendfeed so you can comment. Ideally, I was aiming for a lifestream page that allowed filtering the stream by service.
I think there’s a gap between friendfeed and wordpress. One that we could easily fill by providing a more customized friendfeed page in wordpress, along with the friendfeed comments plugin. In a perfect world, we could even seamelessly merge friendfeed and wordpress comments.
So please, go ahead and steal this idea. I would love to have a lifestream with filter and comment features.
Here’s the code if you’re interested in showing a link-stream:
<?php<br /> $username = 'brunoamaral';<br /> $service = "delicious";<br /> $date_format = 'l G:i';<br /> $feed = new FriendFeed($username, $api);<br /> $session = new FriendFeed();<br /> $feed = $session->fetch_user_feed($username, $service);?>
<div id="ff-activity">
`entries as $entry) { ?>
<p class="title"><a href="<?php echo $entry->link;?>"><?php echo $entry->title;?></a></p>