Warning, there is some serious geek talk coming up.

Long story short I have been using Things as my task management for a long time. What is bad about these tools is that they rarely allow you to export or save your tasks into a universal format that can be read by any app.

Fortunately, Gina Trapani came up with Todo.txt calling it a Future-proof task tracking in a file you control.

Since it works with a simple text file you can use it together with Dropbox and sync it across devices.

I think you can see where I am getting at…

If Todo.txt is so simple and useful it makes perfect sense to use it as the universal format to save/export/import tasks. To make this perfect, there are a few task management tools that support the todo.txt syntax.

So I dove into the Things.app applescript documentation and after a while came up with a little script that you can use to export your tasks and break free so you can try out other task management solutions or even come up with your own.

Everything is available for free in my github account, I hope you find it useful.