Facebook bugs me because of its walled garden and the way that people focus on it forgetting that there is a whole Web out there.
So I created a storify page and published under the name “9 Links”. It is a collection of things that I found to be interesting over the last few days and I posted it on my Facebook account. You can find it here: https://storify.com/brunoamaral/9-links-edition-1
The format needs work, as well as the way I collect links. Either way it felt like a good idea to share it on the blog as well, to get your feedback and ideas. So without further ado, here are your 9 Links for this week!
~63% of Portugal’s adult population has not completed high school https://t.co/uxesaElVSg and facing new cuts: doesn't bode well
— Stowe Boyd (@stoweboyd) April 26, 2013
GREAT post by @AnaDataGirl about #futureofwork being cooperative, based on @stoweboyd & others https://t.co/iRWNsAtm7i #socialnow
— Ana Neves (@ananeves) April 26, 2013
"Innovation is a bet not an experiment" https://t.co/pMjVjy4CMo
— Armando Alves (@armandoalves) April 23, 2013
Why you should travel young – Converge https://t.co/mkq2Opq9SV
— Bruno Amaral (@brunoamaral) April 24, 2013
7 Simple productivity tips you can apply today, backed by science – The Buffer Blog https://t.co/XE7O5aQV8E via @bufferapp
— Bruno Amaral (@brunoamaral) April 20, 2013
This would be so useful in Portugal: @CIPR_uk Social Media Panel calls for development of digital literacy https://t.co/7qs91WS85f
— Bruno Amaral (@brunoamaral) April 19, 2013
#Engage2013 https://t.co/EEcghwfFbr
— Bruno Amaral (@brunoamaral) April 23, 2013