An analog notebook made digital
creativity The Coffee Journal

28 February, 2022
Creativity crypto Chapter 10

Password Decrypt …

10 July, 2020
Creativity 40+ Stock Photo Sites

I was browsing my old Evernote account and found this list of stock photos sites. It was probably copied from another website, but I lost the original …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
18 February, 2020
Creativity Letter to an Assassin Friend

My dearest friend, you may find it odd that I write to you. You may even find it strange considering my usual demeanour. Don’t. I am writing to …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
23 August, 2019
Creativity crypto Chapter 9

31 July, 2019
Release date July 31st 2019
Creativity CryptoNovel returns with a new chapter

I had a shock when I realized that I begun writting the new chapter of the CryptoNovel in February 2018. But I know very well why it took so long to write …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
2 July, 2019
Creativity Christmas 2018

I'm really not a fan of Christmas, but some of you are. And that is why I take the time to come up with something different each year. It's a way to reach …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 December, 2018
11th of August 2018
Creativity Half Lost in Madrid

I travel alone most of the time. It’s a mix between taking time for myself and not having anyone to join me for any trip I am planning. This does not …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
13 December, 2018
Creativity All love letters are ridiculous

Unsplash LogoDaniel Arrhakis   Todas as Cartas de Amor são Ridículas Todas as cartas de amor são Ridículas. Não seriam cartas de amor se não fossem …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
11 December, 2018
From Lauryn Hill to Galt MacDermot
Creativity Sample School

Sometimes I get sucked into a rabbit hole because of something I found interesting. This time, it was a sequence of songs. What comes next is meant to help …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
29 November, 2018