Upload Lisbon

This page exists with two purposes. The first, to help you follow the event and not miss what is truly important. The second, to show how blogs are greatly …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
3 October, 2014
A country of emigrants Mind the doors, please. Mind the closing doors!

This is an amazing story about an incredibly boring individual — Or is it the other way around? It brings us back to September 2012. I had just completed a …

23 July, 2014
Business On metrics for social media at EDIT

Your day can change pretty fast in Lisbon. One minute I was sitting down at a coffee shop, talking with Pedro Garcia through Facebook, the other I was …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 June, 2014
Communication Going Back to School

This time I can't skip classes. The school where I graduated invited me to be part of a Post-Graduate course on Strategic Communication. Specifically, I am …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
2 June, 2014
Geek Day one at Webnographer

This year kicked off pretty fast. In fact, more than half of my life changed in 45 days and I am still trying to figure out what stayed the same. I was …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
17 March, 2014
Geek Finding room to think

It’s not when you are working that you realize how tired and exhausted you are. It’s on that moment when you finally stop and breath in for a …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
12 February, 2014
Socialbakers, are teens still active on Facebook?

Someone over at Socialbakers is going to have to explain this to me very well. Ben Harper published an article where he shows that content reach grew 29% …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
30 January, 2014
Communication Vital Relationships: Content Producers and Brands

One of the things that makes the web amazing is that anyone can create content for it. Whether it is a news video for YouTube, a blog post, a set of photos …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
21 January, 2014
Geek A collaborative list of social media events

Even though Lanyrd is such a great resources to find events in Lisbon, the truth is that the teams organising conferences or presentations around social …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
8 January, 2014
Business Every consultant should build a company

It doesn’t matter how well you know your trade, if you are a marketing, public relations or IT consultant, or any other for that matter, you should …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
5 January, 2014