2018 Time Capsule

Right now, we have to go until january 1st of 2019.

Last year, I invited everyone to participate in a time capsule with their predictions for the next year.

There were some people participating and this year, since the code is already running, I took the lazy approach.

The time capsule is now updated to include a new round of emails in 2018. So if you didn't have a chance to participate, now is your chance. (all form entries are private.)


How about me?

I took the lazy approach and didn't really predict or set much goals. And 2017 was an interesting year, to say the least. Filled with ups and downs, amazing highs and pitch black lows. I did achieve other goals that I have no matter what the year. I found a new job and gained more stability than ever in my life.

All that is still sinking in, and for the coming year... I don't know. Travel more, for sure. And focus on rebuilding a friendship I seem to have lost.

The rollercoaster of 2017 changed me, and is still changing. Looking forward to see what good things come in 2018.

Time Capsule for 2018

My Goals for the next year

My Predictions for 2017