Not everything fits neatly into categories and stories, into little boxes in our mind. That’s what the blog section is for.
At the NEXT Service Design Conference in Berlin, Pedro Custódio made a very strong case on why Experience is the new product. He’s going to share the …
The other day I noticed the still recent Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK) for PHP. You can find it here. Simply put, an SDK allows developers to …
It’s a blog and it shouldn’t be hard or complicated, right? And it shouldn’t be boring either. Once in a while you will get a post which …
There is a story behind this photo, for now it is enough to say it is relevant because it was taken at Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS). A few …
<img class=“alignnone size-full wp-image-637” title=“OTTO-1024x0768 copy” src=OTTO-1024x0768-copy-e1337647206539.png" …
“When we change the way we communicate we change society.” — Clay Shirky I have always liked this quote and saw it as being true and positive. After all, …
It’s tax season in Portugal, and that used to mean a huge headache of gathering receipts and filling forms. Modelo3 is a company that came to change …
<img class=“alignright wp-image-599” title=“Lisbon - Orient Train Station” …
<img class=“alignright size-full wp-image-591” title=“Phone,Tablet, Desktop” src=6263640150_461936bb79.jpg" …