Creativity Bits and pieces of Christmas in Portugal

Every year around this time I try to do something different, something a bit special. This year I went for something simple, inspired by the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
26 November, 2012
Communication For your company, a true conversation is gold

This post began someplace else, at the “Coffee Blog”, a place on tumblr for ramblings and photos. I wrote about how some words are parallel, not quite …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
21 November, 2012
Geek Google connects data, Facebook connects people. #blog

via Instagram

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 November, 2012
Communication Online Newsrooms, open or closed?

The other day someone asked me about whether an online newsroom could track the logins and visit patterns of journalists. Quick answer is yes. The bigger …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
5 November, 2012
Communication Crash course in Values

This is what kept me busy the last week, a quick intro to values systems applied to Public Relations. The first slides quotes a report by the Arthur W. …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
22 October, 2012
Communication Facebook – Global Pages for Brands and Censorship

What if Facebook censored your newsfeed? Well, it does. They call it the EdgeRank and you can learn a bit about it over at EdgeRank Checker. And …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
19 October, 2012
Communication Communication and Relationship Management

Remember the post where I showed this image? It sparked a few interesting comments. I have wondered about it since then, going back to stuff I wrote years …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
18 October, 2012
Communication Upload Lisboa in a nutshell

Upload Lisboa is a conference that started back in 2009 and today is one of the main events around online Communication in Portugal. (I played a small …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
14 October, 2012
Communication If Experience is the new Product, where is Communication?

At the NEXT Service Design Conference in Berlin, Pedro Custódio made a very strong case on why Experience is the new product. He’s going to share the …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
11 October, 2012
Geek Facebook visitor insights

The other day I noticed the still recent Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK) for PHP. You can find it here. Simply put, an SDK allows developers to …

Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral
10 October, 2012